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Pet Hospice: Why You Should Consider Hospice Care

Pet Hospice: Why You Should Consider Hospice Care

Our pets are members of our families, which makes saying goodbye at the end of their lives very difficult. Here, our vets at Marcello Veterinary Hospital talk about hospice care and how it can help make your pet more comfortable. We also explain how our end-of-life services can help support you during these difficult times.

Hospice Care for Pets

Cats live an average of 12 - 18 years, and dogs live an average of 10 - 13 years. Nearing the end of your pet's life (whether they are a senior pet or have a medical issue), hospice care could be necessary to keep your pet as comfortable as possible.

Our vets may recommend hospice care when there are no other treatment options available for your pet. This can help to ease any pain that they are feeling and ensure that they remain comfortable until your final goodbyes.

Hospice care is made to make this easier for both pets and their owners during a very difficult time.

When to Seek Hospice Care

Hospice care is normally set aside for animals with medical conditions that are not treatable, those whose condition affects their quality of life in an extremely negative fashion, and those who are at the end of their lifespan. Age does not define the need for hospice care. It can either be a puppy or kitten or a senior pet. The goal of hospice care is to prevent suffering in all animals who are in their final days.

Why should you seek hospice care for your pet?

Hospice care involves making your pet as comfortable as possible during the last stage of their life. This can include a comprehensive quality-of-life exam, prescribing medication and food for pain management, and finally, offering humane euthanasia.

How does Marcello Veterinary Hospital help with end-of-life care?

We aim to make your pet's final days comfortable, free of pain, and relaxing.

To ensure this, we will perform a final quality-of-life exam, offer medications and a special medicated diet, and discuss our euthanasia options with you.

We know that the decision to say goodbye to your beloved cat or dog is not an easy one to make and we are here to support you, every step of the way.

Regardless of the situation that has led to their end-of-life care, we know that you will have many different emotions and that these may be difficult to process.


At Marcello Veterinary Hospital, we offer euthanasia services for companion animals who may be suffering in their final days. We will always perform our euthanasia services with compassion and care, as we know how much your furry friend means to you.

We know how difficult this is for you and we are here to help keep your pet as comfortable as possible while allowing you the opportunity to say goodbye in a supportive environment.

When it is time, we are here to explain each option to you in a sensitive manner. We will give you time with your pet, and explain the procedure and what you can expect to happen so that you are prepared.

The medications that we use help make this procedure painless and will induce your pet to drift off into peaceful and permanent sleep.

Cremation & Memorialization

Even after they are gone, your pet will never be forgotten. To help you memorialize your companion, we partner with Pet Angel. This is a local business that offers pet cremation services, complimentary grief resources, options for urns, keepsakes, and permanent memorialization. Speak with us if you would like more information.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is it nearing time for you to say goodbye to your loving companion? Contact our Marcello Veterinary Hospital vets to learn more about our care and support services. We are here for you.

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Marcello Veterinary Hospital is accepting new patients! Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of Louisiana companion animals. Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

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